Much of the recent work that I have been posting, on the blog/website, Facebook is for an upcoming solo show in June at Emerald Tablet Gallery in San Francisco. I am calling it "The Life Show". As common practice which some of you may know already, some of the original pieces will be free that are in the exhibit such as this one posted. I will be post more details closer to the date.
The text which is written in the piece... How unfortunate how we treat the present moment as if it were a hinderance. Always concerned with getting to somewhere, or with obtaining the next best thing. How we miss out. On the experience of our lives. Unawake to the miracle of reality that is breathing all around us. And the irony is that the happiness, the heart of happiness-contentment, that we search for constantly is found there. In nowness. With nowness there is only experience. Being. Free from the stories of the mind. Its projections. Its negative thoughts, emotions. There is stillness. Harmony with all things. Confidence. Contentment. Its very ironic. But how fortunate that its always there. Eternal. Its accessible anytime, anywhere. And how it all changes when accessed. Its like waking from a dream into a world of miracle, mystery with the passion of a child seeing the jungle gym for the first time. One enters a world to explore, experience. There is nothing but possibilities. And one is open to it all. One is alive. One is living.