Today's imagined headpainting. Although I work primarily with the human head, i have a variety of approaches based on the idea at hand. In this piece, I aim to create an individual from my head. Just going with feeling, and shaping the paint like clay until a person begins to emerge. The process is very free, as opposed to working from a reference (life/photograph) where it is easy to fall into a mindset of accuracy in capturing the person's likeness. I enjoy those process' as well, but in this series I aim to bring an element of a person that does not exist in this world, though i realize i, like everyone else, I too am nfluenced by memory, subconcious, etc. With so many people living in the world, it would be exciting to meet a stranger, who i have painted before ever having met. I will keep all posted if this ever happens. Until then, I will keep adding imagined people to this world. enjoy